What is Arthritis,Types,Causes And Symptoms

What is Arthritis?

The word arthritis is the combination of two Greek words (Artho = joint and itis =infalmation).
So it is defined as �the inflammation of the joints or the stiffness of joint� which may be occurs in one or two joints.
It is not just a single disease it is the combination of different joint disease like rheumatoid arthritis,osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and many other disease which affects the joints.
Joint pain is the most common arthritis this joint pain sometimes may be constant or it occurs at not specific time.
Arthritis is becoming more common in America which leads to make most peoples disable.
Arthritis is directly related to age the more old you become then you�ll have more chances of getting arthritis.it is more common in females then men but now more young adults are even facing this due to lack of physical exercises and healthy diet.
As we discussed earlier arthritis is not just a single disease there are more than 100 types of arthritis.
According to his type it will affect the different parts of the body like osteoarthritis in which the joint cartilage degenerate which mostly occur in knee and thumb joints.
But we will discuss most common types of arthritis.
1.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA):
Rheumatoid arthritis is autoimmune disorder which not just affect the joints but it also damage the different parts of the body like lungs, blood vessels, skin, and heart.

It affects the immune system of the body which protects us against the diseases.
There are some factors involved which leads towards arthritis are genetic and environmental factor.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis:
  • Fatigue
  • Joint stiffness
  • Swelling of joint
  • Joint pain
  • Fever
  • Joint loss its proper functioning
These are the some signs of rheumatoid arthritis.If you observe these signs you should need to immediately consult your personal doctor.
2. Osteoarthritis (OA):
It is the second most common type of arthritis it is also called degenerative arthritis.
Osteoarthritis results from breaking of joint cartilage under the bones.
In America nearly 27 million peoples are affected from osteoarthritis.
It is more common in the
  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Joint of fingers
  • Neck and
  • thumbs
 OA is more common in the peoples who are older than the 65 or more than this.
There are different causes of the OA which may be due to previous injury of the joint, abnormal develop of joints, overweight or some genetic factors are involved.
OA is characterized by pain and stiffness in joint, joint loss its flexibility, and bone spurs there are many more signs of osteoarthritis.
3. Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA):
Psoriatic arthritis affects the peoples who have more than 35% psoriasis which is a skin disease and characterized by the red and itchy patches on the skin. Look in this picture how skin cre three common signs of psoriatic arthritis involved
  • stiffness
  • swelling and
  • pain in the joints occur.
It occurs when the immune system of the body does not perform its function properly which leads to the inflammation of joints.
There are some genetic factors are involved which enhance the risk of PA.
It is commonly occur both in males and females between the age of 30 and 45.
These are the most common types of the arthritis due to these above three types mostly the joint pain and diseases occur.
There are some more types of the arthritis can cause the joint pain.
These types may also damage to the joint these are the fibromyalgia, gout, osteoporosis, septic arthritis and many more joint disease.

What causes arthritis?

With the arthritis and the other diseases which are related to the joints and this pain can be sharp, dull or may be burning.
Cause of the arthritis pain is depends upon its types.
It has more than 100 types so according to these types there are different causes of arthritis which are following:
  1. Tissues inflammation in the joint occur which cause swelling, stiffness and redness is due to the rheumatoid arthritis, or psoriatic arthritis.
  2. Injury or the stress in joint and the cartilage in the joint depletes when the cartilage is not present enough in the joints then the joints rub with each other which affects the joints which is occur due to the Osteoarthritis.
  3. Poor physical condition: stress or the micro trauma which is slight damage which leads to the fatigue or the pain in the joints due to the poor physical condition and the arthritis which affects the joint in this way is calledfibromyalgia.
  4. If there is high amount of uric acid is present in blood called hyperuricemia. When the breakdown of purines occur it produce uric acid in body so when the breakdown rate of purine is high so definitely it leads to the excess amount uric acid and some foods which increase the breakdown of urine include seafood, poultry and meat. Arthritis which occur due to excess of uric acid is called gout and in the signs of the gout include the
  • limited movement of the joints which are affected.
  • Podagra is also the sign of the gout in which the swelling, pain and warmth of the joint occur mostly at night and it is the so intense pain which may last of hours.
  • Skin becomes red around the joint which is affected.
  1. Overweight is also the cause of the arthritis.
  1. There are also some genetic and environmental factors are involved which cause the arthritis.

Arthritis symptoms

As like the causes of the arthritis are depends upon the type of arthritis same it will be in the symptoms of arthritis. Here are the different symptoms of the arthritis which are common in nearly all types of arthritis. These include:
  • Joint pain is the most common in the arthritis is present in kinds of arthritis.
  • Swelling and the stiffness of joints.
  • Joints loss flexibility it may also means that the movement of the joints becomes limited.
  • Weakness of the muscles occur

  • Tenderness ( discomfort of the joint occur when the affected joint is touched)

  • Weight loss

  • Anxiety

  • Headaches

  • Problems in the memory and concentration etc.
These are the some possible signs of arthritis and there are many more arthritis symptoms.
 Arthritis prevention�s:
Some factors in the arthritis can�t be control like increase in age, genetic factors which are involved in the arthritis and it is common more in women which is also uncontrollable. But there are some factors which we can control and by following these precautions we can prevent ourselves from arthritis and other joint disease.
1. Eat a healthy diet
which will not contain any sugar and beverages.
2.Daily exercise
Exercises like jogging walking and yoga also decrease the risk of arthritis.
3.Quit smoking
if you�re a regular smoker and just started keep away from it because if you don�t keep away from smoking it will increase the risks of arthritis.
4.Maintain weight
Balanced weight is not only good for lower the risk of arthritis but also helps you live a healthy life.
Follow these 4 prevention�s you will have less chances of getting arthritis and other diseases.
