The Most Effective 11 Natural Ways To Cure Cancer

Before we step into the natural ways to cure cancer first take a look at what cancer actually.

What is cancer?

Cancer is a class of diseases which is characterized by out of control cell growth. Cancer cells are the unusual cells that multiply and devastates the body organs.  

Natural Ways to cure cancer
As you know that radiotherapy and chemotherapy are very expensive as well as very hazardous for normal functional cells but in this article, you will learn about the different diets which help to cure cancer naturally.
1.Gerson diet:
   The diet was established by Dr. Gerson and is very useful in curing cancer. This diet involves organic fruits, vegetables, and sprouted grains. It contains excess of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes and is very low in sodium, proteins, and fats. Gerson diet includes:
  • Freshly prepared juices
  • Meals based on plants
  • Fresh fruit snacks each day
  • Raw beef liver (high in vitamin B12)
  • Coffee enemas
  • Natural supplements
 People using the Gerson diet advised consuming 3 plant based meals and 13 glasses of freshly prepared juices (including carrots or apples and green leaf juices) to reach the body�s nutrition requirement level. In order to preserve the nutritional content, the juice should be hourly prepared, 4 to 5 coffee enemas per day help in detoxifying the body toxins.

2.The Budwig protocol.

The diet protocol developed by Dr. Johanna Budwing in 1952 is a lifeline for cancer patients. The Budwig diet involves the combination of cotton cheese, flaxseeds, and flaxseed oil when cotton cheese (rich in sulfur protein and saturated fats) mixes with the flax(having the high amount of electron rich unsaturated fatty acids), the body can absorb the vital nutrients in order to fight the cancerous cells.
Budwig recipe
  • 6 ounces of cultured dairy (cottage cheese, goat�s milk)
  • 1 tablespoon of grounded and sprouted flax
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder
  • � teaspoon of black pepper
Mix all the ingredients given above in a bowl or blender and use it once daily
3.Laetrile and amygdalin (B17):
Another natural way of curing cancer cells is Amygdalin which is present in cherry pits, apricot kernel, some apple seeds and some special types of almond seeds (bitter seeds). It is a glucoside which consists a molecule that combines glucose with cyanide. As the cancerous cells need glucose to survive and when amygdalin enters in a cancer cell, it breaks and releases cyanide which kills cancer. The cyanide is not released in the normal cell, because of the special enzyme present in the cancer cells which breaks the amygdalin and releases cyanide, so it is harmless for the normal functional cell.

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory agent in the body and is useful in curing many types of cancer like prostate, breast, and leukemia etc. Ginger consumed, either cooked or dried, is more effective in curing cancer than chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Ginger also lowers the blood sugar level. You can use ginger to cure cancer naturally in the following way:
  • Boil the water.
  • For flavoring, you can also add nutmeg or cinnamon.
  • Add two cloves.
  • Add a lot of ground ginger
  • Add some turmeric and maybe some honey.
  • Then strain it after 15 minutes of heating and drink it as tea.

5. Garlic

Garlic is an anti-inflammatory in the body which contains active ingredients like allicin, selenium, tryptophan and sulfur based agents. It stops the blood supply to tumors and thus stops the cancer cells growth in an effective way. Two or three cloves of garlic per day are enough to cure cancer.
Tomatoes contain lycopene which is an effective natural source to cure cancer. Lycopene also reduces bad fats level and is a very strong anti-oxidant. It is very effective against many types of cancers like lungs, cervix, breast and colon. A research shows that a tin of tomato soup has 65 mg of lycopene which is a good dose.

7. Green leafy vegetables:

Another best way to cure cancer naturally is the use of green leafy vegetables like beans, avocado, carrots, pumpkins and egg yolk green vegetables. These vegetables contain folic acid which helps DNA to replicate properly and protect it from the effects of radiotherapy. These vegetables also contain Vitamin B( folate, biotin, choline, inositol, niacin and vitamin B12) which helps in curing cancer naturally. Niacin also kills the cancer cells. Green vegetables contain sulforaphane which is helpful in curing colorectal cancer. These vegetables make your body alkaline which improves your immune response against cancer cells.
8.Broccoli :
Broccoli is important to cure cancer naturally because it contains fibers which help in removing toxins from the body. Broccoli contains indole3carbinol which modifies the estrogen action and is helpful in prostate, breast, brain and colorectal cancer.

9.Fish oils:

Fish oil contains long chain omega-3, which is a strong anti-inflammatory in the body. Omega-3 increases the length of telomeres which becomes shorter during cancer. Fish oil also contains Vitamin A, which fights against the breast and colon cancer and thus a natural source to cure cancer naturally.

10.Olive oil:

olive oil is also from one the natural ways to cure cancer because of its well-known health benefits. Olive oil contains hydroxytyrosol, which is the major component present in it, helps in preventing breast cancer in postmenopausal women. The olive oil causes rupturing of the cancer cell part called lysosome which releases some lethal proteins that kill the cancerous cells.

11.Green tea:

Herbal green tea is the simplest and natural way to cure cancer. It is prepared by boiling some herbs in the water until the volume reaches to half. This contains the anti-inflammatory properties which help in curing cancer effectively and naturally.

These are the top eleven natural ways to cure cancer and live a happy life.


  1. I had absolutely no symptoms or warnings that I had cancer. In March 2007 I suddenly felt like I had diarrhea but it was all blood and I went to the ER. I bled profusely through the rectum for an hour or so until they got it stopped. The doctor did a colonoscopy and found a stage II cancer, i was devastated when my doctor broke the sad news to me because i thought that was the end for me because i have heard so much news about how cancer have stolen away the lives of patients. With time i developed a 'belly' when all my life my abdomen was flat. I was still in my search for a cure after undergoing chemo and radiation thrice Until a friend of mine directed me to doctor Amber and advised me to try alternative medicine, which i did because then my doctor was no longer helpful at all and i had given up on myself. I got the herbal medicine which was relatively small in size, which i took for 10 weeks. For the past two and half years, I have had two additional colonoscopies and two CT scans, plus blood tests. So far, no recurrence, i am indeed really grafeful to GOD and Dr.Amber who stood by me and made all this happen through his medicine. Never give up hope and if you find yourself in the situation i was some years ago you can also contact him too via his personal email


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